Participating Schools

Once you have completed a lesson on inclusion please complete the Provide Data form

Have you prepared a lesson plan that you would like to share with other schools?

Shared resources are available for download.

Download Resources

Sharing guide

Lesson plan - Stage 2

Lesson plan - Stage 6

Book list

Share your Participation

We are participating in the Inclusion Benefits All Project! Check it out here.

This Term, Stage 2 and Stage 6 students are participating in lessons on inclusion to break down barriers to full participation for people who are neurodivergent (such as those with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia).

Imagine a future where diversity is valued for increasing creativity, innovation and challenging assumptions. Join us by starting conversations about how different people can experience the world in different ways. How can we remove barriers to full participation?

If you would like to get your hands on the free resources being utilised, head here for downloads and a list of books to borrow from your local library.

Why not make a post to share your participation in the project? For example ...

Share lesson plans

Have a lesson plan to share? Please email your lesson plan and we will pop it in our resources for other school to utilise. Thank you so much for assisting others to break down barriers to inclusion.

Provide Data

We are excited to receive your school's data! Please complete this form to submit your data.